Well Brisbane is a joy

Everything was going well until we tried to leave Brisbane. The China Airlines desk at least had a record of our intended departure – but the check-in desk rejected me because my NZTSA did not match my passport. Much to and fro ensued as it turns out that the NZTSA app changes the first digit of your passport number to an F. As it turns out Alisons passport also had this issue although the check-in had passed it.

Not helped when the desk supervisor who was on the phone to NZ immigration said ‘they’ve had a problem – its probably because they’re old’… Alison not impressed.

After all that overrides were put in place and off we went airside….

Where it just got worse, jobs worth at the scanner insisted you couldn’t add to the contents of your backpack – or in fact take anything out, also tissues and similar were also forbidden – even my plastic belt for my trousers had to be separately scanned!

Could it get better ? Well then the scanner broke down with our gear in its entrails…… I strongly suspect they just gave up and handed us our gear at that point.

Next, what sort of airport puts the signs to where the lounges are located on the flip side of the departure boards ? Blink and you’ll miss it. Not really going to miss Brisbane airport that much.

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