Tuesday – busy times in Cambodia

Arrived late last night, the hotel had kindly put aside some sandwiches and wine for us even though they aren’t running their restaurant in the evenings at the moment.

So the start time was 06:45 and we were off – in the back of a tuc-tuc to Angkor Thom and Bayon. Plenty of pictures although I could take it personally that we had to get out and walk at one point as we were too heavy to be carried uphill. Alison’s turn to purchase something ‘interesting from Cambodia’. Then back to the hotel for lunch before our afternoon jaunt to Banteay Srei to see the setting sun colour the temple pink after admiring the highly detailed carvings.

Ta Prohm – Tomb Raider location
Tuc tuc tour of the temples
Banteay Srei – as the sun sets

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