The day after the loss before

Last morning in Wellington so not to be wasted.

First up the Cable Car (just beating the hordes of cruise ship passengers who had been bussed in to enjoy the ride)

View across the bay from the top
Magic cable car goes through magic tunnels

Then, flushed with success, we decided to try the scooters out on the waterfront, as Alison says “best fun for £5.62 I’ve had in a long time”

Look at the smile on that…

Then off to the airport via the coastal road, DIY check in and baggage drop off. Pleasant snack land side and then bumped into Debbie & Dan airside as we waited for our particular flights. Unremarkable flight to Melbourne for us, no drama & they actually let us into the country again. Melbourne seems to have grown quite a few tall buildings since our last visit !

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